25 November 2015

Error Management in Aviation

Error Management: Achievements and Challenges
(Have we made a difference?)
James Reason
Once upon a time . . .
Now: A complex system
Cascading influences
Errors need to be managed at all levels of the system
Reaching ever higher for the fruit
From 1917: Psychometric testing
1940s: Cambridge Cockpit; Applied Psychology Unit; centres at Ohio State & University of Illinois; ERS (UK)
1950s: HFS (US); ‘Human Factors in Air Transportation’ (Ross McFarland)
1960s: Manned space flight; cockpit ergonomics; command instruments
1970s: ALPA accident investigation course; IATA human factors committee; SHEL(L)
1980s: CRM; ASRS; cognitive and systemic factors; interaction of many causal factors
1990s: Organizational and cultural factors
Sentinel events
Tenerife runway collision
Mt Erebus and the Mahon Report
Manchester runway fire
Dryden and the Moshansky Report
BASI reports on the Monarch and Seaview accidents
NTSB Report on Embraer 120 accident at Eagle Lake, Texas (Lauber dissent)
Challenger (Vaughan) and Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report
Individual factors
Pilot aptitude measures
Psychomotor performance
Sensory and perceptual factors
Fatigue and stress
Vigilance decrement
Cockpit ergonomics
‘Ironies of automation’
Cognitive issues
Predictive value of WW2 AAF test battery
(from Ross McFarland, 1953)
Social and team factors
Crew resource management
LOFT and behavioural markers
Cabin evacuation studies
Maintenance teams
Air traffic controllers
Ramp workers
Naturalistic decision making
Procedural non-compliance
The high-hanging fruit
Targeting error traps and recurrent accidents (e.g. CFIT, maintenance omissions, etc.)
Resolving goal conflicts: production vs protection
Combating the ‘normalization of deviance’
Striving for system resilience (high reliability)
Engineering a safe culture
ICAO Annex 13 (8th Ed., 1994)
Ever-widening search for
the ‘upstream’ factors
Echoed in many hazardous domains
CAIB Report (August, 2003)
But has the pendulum swung
 too far?
Mr Justice Moshansky on
the Dryden F-28 crash
Academician Valeri Legasov
on the Chernobyl disaster
CAIB Report (Ch. 5)
Remote factors: some concerns
They have little causal specificity.
They are outside the control of system managers, and mostly intractable.
Their impact is shared by many systems.
The more exhaustive the inquiry, the more likely it is to identify remote factors.
Their presence does not discriminate between normal states and accidents; only more proximal factors do that.
Revisiting Poisson
Poisson counted number of kicks received by cavalrymen over a given period.
Developed a model for determining the chance probability of a low frequency/high opportunity event among people sharing equal exposure to hazard.
How many people would one expect to have 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. events over a given period when there is no known reason why one person should have more than any other?
Unequal liability: common finding
Interpreting pilot-related data
Repeated events are associated with particular conditions. Suggests the need for specific retraining.
Repeated events are not associated with particular conditions:
§Bunched in a given time period. Suggests influence of local life events. Counselling?
§Scattered over time. Suggests some enduring problem. Promote to management?
End-of-century grades
Widening the search for error-shaping factors has brought great benefits in understanding accidents.
But maybe we are reaching the point of diminishing returns with regard to prevention.
Perhaps we should revisit the individual (the heroic as well as the hazardous acts).
History shows we did that rather well.

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