18 March 2014

What does ‘Certifying Staff’ mean?

Personnel responsible for  the release of an aircraft or a component after maintenance.

Line Maintenance Certifying Staff:
  • Part 66 Category  B1,B2,B3
  • In additon may also be used Part 66 category A
Base Maintenance Certifying Staff:

  • Part 66 Category C Base Maintenance Engineer
  • As a support staff B1,B2

a) The organisation shall ensure   Certifying & B1 & B2 support staff   understand the A/C &   components   being maintained
  Understand the organisational  procedures before the issue or re-  issue of certification authorisation

B1 & B2 support staff means
Relevant A/C or component means
Certification authorisation means

(b)  Except those cases in145.A.30(j) the   organisation may only issue a   certification authorisation to   Certification staff as per basic cat’s   and sub cat’s  as listed on AMEL in Pt   66 as long as;
AMEL remains valid

Certifying staff remain in compliance with EASA Part 66

(c) The organisation shall ensure   that all C staff & B1 & B2   support staff;
Involved in at least 6 months relevant A/C or component maintenance work experience in any given 
2 year period.
Relevant A/C or component work experience means;

(c)  that person has worked in an A/C   or component environment and   has either;
Exercised certification privileges
And/or carried out maintenance on A/C or some of the A/C type systems listed in the certificate authorisation.

(d)  The organisation shall ensure all C   staff and B1 & B2 support staff   receive sufficient 
Continuation   training in any 2 year period to   ensure;
Up to date information of relevant technology
Organisational procedures
Human Factor & Performance issues

(e) The organisation shall establish a   programme for continuation training for   C & B1 & B2 support staff to include;
Compliance with relevant Para's of this chapter as a basis for issuance of certification authorisation
Create a procedure to ensure continued compliance with Part 66


(f)  Except for any unforeseen cases of   145.A.30(j)(5) the organisation shall asses all prospective C staff for;
And capability prior to issue or reissue of certification authorisation as per a specified procedure to be found in the MOE

(g) When conditions of Para's (a), (b),   (d), (f) and if applicable (c) have   been met by the C staff the   organisation may issue a   certification authorisation;
The authorisation must state clearly the scope and limits of the authorisation.

(g) Continued validity of the   certification authorisation is   dependant upon continued   compliance with paragraphs (a), (b),   (d) and where applicable (c).

(h) Authorisation certification must   be clear and concise to the C staff   and any other authorised person   who may wish to see the   authorisation.
Where codes are used to define the scope of authorisation the organisation should make a code translation readily available.

(h)  Authorised person means;
Any official of the competent authority
The Agency (EASA)
Member state with responsibility for the A/C or component.

(i)  Person responsible for the quality   system shall remain responsible on   behalf of the organisation for issuing a   certification authorisation to C staff.
This responsibility can be delegated to another person to issue or revoke the authorisation as laid down in an MOE procedure

(j)  The organisation shall maintain a record   of all C and B1 & B2 support staff the   record of which shall contain.
1. Details of any A/C license held under Part 66
2. All relevant training completed
3. The scope of the certificate authorisation
4. Details of staff with limited or one-off approvals.

The organisation shall retain personnel records of C and B1 & B2 support staff for at least 2 years after leaving the company or upon  authorisation withdrawal
Additionally and upon request the organisation will give C staff a copy of their record when leaving.

Certifying staff shall upon request be given access or shown copies of their personnel records held by the Organisation

(k) Certification authorisation shall be   provided in either documented or   electronic format.
C staff shall produce their documents   within 24 hours to any authorised   personnel.
Minimum age for C, B1 & B2 support   staff is 21 years.