15 June 2013

Maintenance training organisation exposition

1.1. Corporate commitment by accountable manager
1.2. Management personnel
1.3. Duties and responsibilities of management personnel, instructors, knowledge examiners and practical assessor
1.4. Management personnel organisation chart
1.5. List of instructional and examination staff
Note: A separate document may be referenced
1.6. List of approved addresses
1.7. List of subcontractors as per 147.A.145(d)
1.8. General description of facilities at paragraph 1.6 addresses
1.9. Specific list of courses and type examinations approved by the competent authority
1.10. Notification procedures regarding changes to organisation
1.11. Exposition and associated manuals amendment procedure
2.1. Organisation of courses
2.2. Preparation of course material
2.3. Preparation of classrooms and equipment
2.4. Preparation of workshops/maintenance facilities and equipment
2.5. Conduct of theoretical training & practical training (during basic knowledge training and type/task training)
2.6. Records of training carried out
2.7. Storage of training records
2.8. Training at locations not listed in paragraph 1.6
2.9. Organisation of examinations
2.10. Security and preparation of examination material
2.11. Preparation of examination rooms
2.12. Conduct of examinations (basic knowledge examinations, type/task training examinations and type examinations)
2.13. Conduct of practical assessments (during basic knowledge training and type/task training)
2.14. Marking and record of examinations
2.15. Storage of examination records
2.16. Examinations at locations not listed in paragraph 1.6
2.17. Preparation, control & issue of basic training course certificates
2.18. Control of subcontractors
3.1. Audit of training
3.2. Audit of examinations
3.3. Analysis of examination results
3.4. Audit and analysis remedial action
3.5. Accountable manager annual review
3.6. Qualifying the instructors
3.7. Qualifying the examiners and the assessors
3.8. Records of qualified instructors & examiners
4.1. Example of documents and forms used
4.2. Syllabus of each training course
4.3. Cross-reference index - if applicable

[Decision No 2010/002/R of 28 April 2010; ED Decision 2012/004/R of 19 April 2012]   1. The following subject headings form the basis of the MTOE required by 147.A.140.

2. Whilst this format is recommended, it is not mandatory to assemble the MTOE in this manner as long as a cross-reference index is included in the MTOE as an Appendix and the Part 1 items remain in Part 1.

3. Part 2, 3 and 4 material may be produced as separate detailed manuals subject to the main exposition containing the Part 2, 3 and 4 fundamental principles and policy on each item. It is then permitted to delegate the approval of these separate manuals to the senior person but this fact and the procedure should be specified in paragraph 1.10.

4. Where an organisation is approved in accordance with any other Part(s) which require an exposition, it is acceptable to combine the exposition requirements by merging the Part 1 items and adding the Parts 2, 3 and 4. When this method is used, it is essential to include the cross-reference index of Part 4 item 4.3.

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